How Can We Help?
About PAGB
- How many Chapters has PAGB established?
- How much Financial Support does the PAGB and the Chapters, UAAGB and the USAAGB have available for the Community and Regional Banks?
- In what form is the Financial Support provided by the PAGB?
- Under what Constitutional authority was the PAGB and the various Chapters established?
- What are the benefits for a bank to join the PAGB?
- What are the conditions for a Bank applying for Financial Support from the PAGB?
- What is minimum and maximum Financial Support that the PAGB could provide to a "financially stressed" Bank?
- What is the Purpose behind the PAGB?
- What registration and licences does the PAGB hold?
- When was the PAGB established and who created it?
- Will the other Chapters, created by the PAGB, also provide the same services and financial support in Africa and in the united States of America?
- Will the PAGB cover any Bank losses arising from trading in derivatives?
- Under what Constitutional authority was GDTB established?
- Under what Constitutional authority was the PAGB and the various Chapters established?
- What registration and licences does GDTB hold?
- What registration and licences does the PAGB hold?
- When was the Gold Depository Trust Bank established and who created it?
- When was the PAGB established and who created it?
- Who acts as the Prudential Regulatory Authority for the Cordillera Nation and the Confederation?
GDTB - Gold Depository Trust Bank
- 5 Good Reasons To Invest In A Gold-Backed CD
- Does GDTB allow for Wholesale Distribution of CDs?
- Under what Constitutional authority was GDTB established?
- What is the current capital/equity of GDTB?
- What registration and licences does GDTB hold?
- When was the Gold Depository Trust Bank established and who created it?
- Who acts as the Prudential Regulatory Authority for the Cordillera Nation and the Confederation?
- Why has GDTB set up the Gold-Backed Time Deposit Certificates?
Certificate of Deposit - CD
- 5 Good Reasons To Invest In A Gold-Backed CD
- Are withdrawals permitted prior to maturity?
- Does GDTB allow for Wholesale Distribution of CDs?
- Does GDTB issue any Maturity Notices to the CD Holder?
- Examples of Calculations
- How safe are the CDs?
- In what currency is my CD's issued?
- Is Roll-Over permitted?
- Is there any limit on the amount that I can invest in CDs?
- Risk-Sharing
- What Is a Certificate of Deposit (CD) and how do Gold-Backed CDs differ?
- What is the current capital/equity of GDTB?
- What is the minimum and maximum term of the CD?
- What is the Minimum Investment that I can make in a CD?
- What is the Redemption Currency?
- Why has GDTB set up the Gold-Backed Time Deposit Certificates?
- Show Remaining Articles (1) Collapse Articles
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PostedMay 23, 2024
UpdatedMay 30, 2024
If the market price of gold from the day a CD is issued to the day it matures has increased or decreased, the difference in value will be shared, paid or guaranteed at maturity as follows:
If Gold Has Appreciated in Value against the USD:
• 80% of the Appreciation to the CD holder;
• 20% of the increase in value to the GDTB.
• Redemption Price Formula: [Face Value + 80% of Value Increase].
If Gold Has Depreciated in Value against the USD:
• 100% of the Depreciation to the GDTB, whereby GDTB absorbs any potential loss in value by guaranteeing the return of 100% of the value invested at maturity;
• Redemption Price Formula: [Face Value].

Table of Contents