Yahweh Gold Money Symbol “YWG”
The Gold-Backed Monetary Unit of the Cordillera Nation.

The Philippine Association of Gold Banks (“PAGB“) is an association of gold-backed banks located in the Philippines and governed as economic institutions under customary law and jurisdiction of the Indigenous People Autonomous Region of the Cordillera Nation, was formed on June 11, 2024 in terms of a Certificate of Authority (GB-Master) issued by the Federal Global Registry Commission of the Cordillera Nation.
It is headquartered in Abra, Cordillera Nation and is regulated by the Yahweh’s Prudential Regulation Authority (“YPRA”) which is an organ of the Yahweh’s Gold Bank (“YGB”) Yahweh’s Gold Bank (“YWG“).
The purpose of PAGB is to:
- assist small, community, employee and/or indigenous owned and regional banks which are under financial stress and require Financial Assistance or Support;
- facilitate the transition of banks, from banks capable of only processing FIAT currencies into banks capable of processing both FIAT currencies and Gold Units (”GU”) as payment mechanisms;
- promote the extension of payments using the GGMF BaaS platform and gold-backed monetary units;
- assist banks that are technically insolvent, in breach of their reserve ratios, or have been required to account for large losses in government bonds under a “mark to market” valuation method or require financial assistance; and
- establish chapters in other geographic jurisdictions, initially Africa and the United States of America but not confined thereto.