The Case for Gold
Gold’s Intrinsic Value is a Constant!
Speaking through the Prophet Haggai, God declared: “the silver and the gold are mine.” Haggai 2:8. It’s divine origins is what gives gold intrinsic eternal value that will not change with the passing of time.
Gold stands as a safe refuge against inflation, a by-product of humanity’s financial recklessness, which has driven humanity to the brink and away from God.
Two prevailing notions about gold merit scrutiny. Firstly, the belief that the value of gold appreciates due to its limited supply. Secondly, the notion that gold serves as a secure investment. Both assertions fuel a narrative ripe for market price manipulation.
Dissecting the First Fallacy: Gold’s Scarcity!
The concept of scarcity vanishes once divine providence enters the equation. Just as Heavenly treasures materialize on Earth by God’s decree, manna, hail and snow are formed, and lakes can form overnight in deserts. Gold perpetually fulfils God’s purposes abundantly.
The ancient “Land of Ophir”, where gold mining began more than 1,000 years before Christ, is now known as the Philippine islands. It boasts an unimaginable reservoir of gold, safeguarded by human and celestial forces. Each storage facility is one of God’s earthly storehouses.
By acknowledging their custodial role over God’s gold, the people of the autonomous Cordillera Nation and all 188 tribal communities covering all 14 regions of the Philippines, facilitated its lawful consolidation into a central depository, without physically relocating it. This amalgamation of God’s gold which saw each tribal community become a constructive trustee for Yahweh’s Gold Bank, paves the way for a new gold-backed medium of exchange for the benefit of first nations indigenous communities.
Debunking the Second Fallacy: Gold’s Value Appreciation!
Contrary to popular belief, gold’s intrinsic worth remains constant, contrasting with the fluctuating values of fiat currencies. Gold’s perceived appreciation against the U.S. Dollar stems from the latter’s dwindling purchasing power relative to gold’s steadfast value.
As long as gold trades persist, while pegged to the U.S. Dollar, with commodity exchanges manipulating the Dollar’s value, gold poses no existential threat to the currency.
Risk of a Systemic Collapse of all Fiat Currencies
However, if the injustices and perils inherent in the current monetary system tilt the scales of divine justice, a catastrophic collapse looms over the banking system.
In response, Yahweh’s Gold Bank (“YGB“) is in the process of establishing a new gold-backed monetary system for the benefit of the Cordillera Nation, all 188 indigenous tribal communities of the Philippines that are part of the Confederation, and all Filipinos in general. This sanctuary offers refuge under God’s protective embrace in the event of a cataclysmic demise of debt-based fiat currencies, halting global commerce in its tracks.
Just as desert wells conceal vast underground rivers that supply it with an unlimited supply of water, God ensures an unfailing supply of gold to those who seek refuge in Him amidst the times of testing.